Gitonga, who is looking forward to running for the top post as an independent candidate, said he had been considering leading Kenya for more than a month. He attacked the two main horses in the August elections, ODM leader Raila Odinga and Deputy William Ruto, claiming that he was the only one capable of liberating Kenyans.
“Sababu ya kuamua kuwa rais, nimeangalia nikaona Ruto na Raila hawawezi kusaidia watu. Wengine wanajiita hustler, mimi ni hustler halisi. Mimi ndiye nitakomboa yule mwananchi wa chini. Najua mahitaji ya mwananchi wa chini na najua ile kazi inayomfaa,” said Gitonga
A man from Umoja Street, who resembles President Uhuru Kenyatta, Michael Njogo Gitonga, has officially ventured into politics.Gitonga who came to prominence last year after his photos were circulated online believes he is the best fit for the seat occupied by his ‘twin’ at the moment.
Addressing reporters on Friday, last week, Gitonga attacked the two main horses in the August elections, Raila and Ruto, claiming that he was the only one fit for the seat.
“Mimi sirudi nyuma. Huu si utani,” Gitonga added.