4 Mchele gang Suspects who had stupefied passengers in an attempt to steal from them, stupefied themselves to avoid being arrested.

Four thugs who smuggled drugs to passengers on a bus en route to Nairobi swallowed the drugs after discovering they were known.
The robbery suspects gave the passengers drugs and were robbing them when the driver noticed from his rearview mirror that all the passengers were fast asleep.
The passengers were screaming loudly and making strange noises, which worried the driver who drove the car direct to the police station.

Stephen Odero, Benson Odero, Joshua Orengo and Harrison Nyamu who were all identified as suspects used the drugs on travelers and started robbing them.

According to a report by the Criminal Investigation Department (DCI), the driver panicked after seeing through his rearview mirror that all the passengers were fast asleep.

Moreover, they were all muttering in an unusual voice and letting go of the grunts that made him realize something was wrong.

In his mirror, he could see only two passengers awake and moving around.

So he decided to drive to Kabete Police Station and when the thieves saw their 40th day arrived they had to swallow the drugs to avoid arrest.

“The efforts of the two robbers to jump from the speeding bus were in vain after the vehicle stormed the police station and caused the police officers on duty to take the helm, should anything happen,” the statement read.

After the driver told his enthusiastic officers, they noticed that more than half of the passengers in the car were intoxicated and drowsy, staggering from the effects of the drugs they had been given.

The travelers also did not have their belongings but officers were able to locate the suspects who had stolen the items.

While the officers were in the process of arresting the suspects, suddenly the thugs fell into a deep sleep, began to faint and intoxicated.

The situation forced police to rush the robbers to a nearby hospital for medical examination.

they had ingested the drug with the intention of concealing the evidence.

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