Education Minister Professor George Magoha has issued a warning to head teachers in high schools in the country against enrolling students who did not get Form One places in their schools. The minister was speaking at the registration of first-form students at Kisumu Girls’ High School.
Magoha dismissed the notion that test results depend on the school the candidate attends, saying that the results depend on the commitment of the students in the subjects.
Professor Magoha urged school principals to ensure that this year’s national examination candidates are properly registered for the remaining one week deadline.
The results of the class 8 exams in 2021 were announced on Monday 28 March 2022 by Minister Magoha, a few weeks after the exam was completed to give parents enough time to prepare their children to join high school.
The academic calendar in Kenya this year contains five types of national examinations, a plan that is intended to compensate for the time lost during the Corona catastrophe in 2020 to refer to the normal calendar for the year 2023.
The Class 8 national examination in 2021 was held between March 7 and 10 March 2022 while the form 4 KCSE in 2021 was held from March 11 to April 23. The 2022 exams will be held in November and December 2022.The sixth grade national examination under the new CBC curriculum will also be held in December this year.
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