An additional 31,000 MEN died compared to women in 2021 according to a report on the State of the Economy released on Thursday by the Kenya Bureau of Statistics (KNBS).
The report shows that 635 people die every day in the country – a number that is higher than in the last 10 years.
A total of 231,944 people died; among them were 131,599 males and 100,345 females. The number of men who died increased from 104,832 in 2020.
Of the registered deaths, the number of people who died at home rose from 86,030 to 110,217.
Despite this, more deaths were recorded in hospitals compared to rural areas.
Covid -19 pandemic contributed 3,079 deaths in 2021, up from 1,756 in 2020.as the government stepped up efforts to improve public health and protect children and mothers through the Linda Mama program, the report stated that the infant mortality rate is 355 per 1,000.
Migori County recorded the highest infant mortality rate, followed by Homa Bay.
For every 1,000 babies born Migori 672 dies and 575 die in Homa Bay.
The economic report stated that the national mortality rate for children under the age of five is 520 per 1,000.
The number of maternal deaths during childbirth was highest in Garissa County. for every 100,000 babies born 641 mothers died giving birth.In Nyeri County the situation was slightly relieved as only 67 maternal deaths were reported in childbirth, per 100,000 live births.
The accidents rose from 8,919 in 2020 to 10,210 in 2021.
Similarly, in 2021 the number of people who died following road accidents increased to 4,579 people from 3,975 in the previous year 2020.
Of those who died 1,557 were pedestrians, 446 drivers, 767 passengers, 87 cyclists, 1,271 motorcyclists and 451 passengers carried bicycles or motorcycles.
Huge relief for the residents following the completion of the hospital after years …
3,287 babies were born daily in 2021 – Report.
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