Amount Of Money Mortuary Attendants Get By Preparing Dead Bodies For Burial

Working as a mortuary attendant can be a biggest challenge for people with light heart (light-hearted people). One of the key basic duties of mortuary attendants is basically to make the room clean, arrange the bodies of the dead people and prepare them for the final journey for burial. They also assist the pathologist to conduct postmorterm for the dead. Inthis explanation iam going to tell the amount of money this people get for preparing this bodies ahead for burial.

Somebody by the name Wicky as an attendant of the mortuary during free hours. He was asked how much he is paid working an a mortuary attendant he said he makes 30000 shillings. Wicky revealed the information when had an interview with Rilley Mungwimi on a live camera. That is fair conciderate amount of money when working in such enironment.

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