A Kenyan woman working in Qatar is a grieving mother after her two young children died in a fire tragedy that happened on the night of Sunday, October 23.
The two children aged five and three died after the house where they were sleeping burned down in a big fire.
Through her Tiktok page, Pesh Wanjiku could not bear her pain after receiving the news of the death of her children.
“Nilikuja kutafuta pesa kwa ajili ya watoto wangu, lakini nitakwenda kuwazika! Hii itawezekanaje? Natamani mmoja wao angenusurika! Kwanini mimi Mungu kwanini?” she wrote while attaching a sad photo of her two children who passed away.
Speaking to Inooro TV, the children’s grandmother said the angels had just had dinner when the tragedy happened.
“Watoto hao wadogo walikula chakula cha jioni na baba yao, naye akawapeleka kitandani. Hakuwasha moto wala jiko, na baada ya kuwalaza alikwenda kuongea na baba yake kuhusu kazi,” She Said.
The woman further went on to say that while the children’s father was talking to his father about work, his brother called her in shock after seeing the house was engulfed in fire.
“Kaka yake baba wa watoto alikuwa amepita karibu na nyumba hiyo dakika tano kabla na hakukuwa na moto lakini dakika chache baadaye, tuliona moto” explained the heartbroken Grandmother.