Autopsy of the British lady killed by ‘Ghost ‘ in Mombasa has failed to identify the cause.

In 2020, news of the controversial death of a British citizen who died in Mombasa spread, especially after people close to her claimed that she was killed by a demon.

The court gave permission for the body to be exhumed for further investigation where a few days ago the results of the investigation came out and the most surprising thing is that the investigation failed to determine what killed the British woman.

Luftunisa Kwandwalla, 44, had visited Mombasa where she died and her body was buried a day later, which her family from England claimed was a dirty game to hide the truth of what killed her, and thus wanted an investigation to be done on her body.

According to the Nation magazine, the leader of the Islamic sect in Mombasa by the name of Arif Mohammed Iqbal, who also declared himself a healer, was quoted as saying that the woman’s death was caused by dark forces.

An autopsy on her exhumed body last week could not determine the cause of her death, but samples taken from the grave’s soil, including the remains of a kidney, bladder and intestine, were taken for toxicology.

According to a report released to the family and Chief Government Pathologist Johansen Oduor.

“The brain has shrunk and found inside the opened skull. it was still intact. The cause of death has not been determined pending histology, toxicology and DNA testing,” a part of the report said.

A death certificate issued by the government in 2020 listed her primary cause of death as heart and lung failure.

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