Activist Okiya Omtatah and four others have arrived in court to challenge the proposed 2023 finance bill.
According to their request, they protest that the bill will be degrading the economic rights of human beings and contribute to high costs in some products if the bill is made into a law.
Pending hearing by the court will be pleased to issue an order to stop the debate according to items 28,30,33,36 and 76 of the finance bill in 2023.” Reading court papers.
They have also urged the court to issue a temporary order to prohibit the speaker of the national assembly from agreeing to the president’s proposal to present the 2023 financial bill which covers the mentioned elements.
“Article 76 threatens the economic rights of members of the community, to the extent that if it is made into law, employees will be reduced by 3% in their wages, while 3% of employers are required to reduce the number of their employees who may contribute to high costs in their businesses.” They defended themselves.
In their discussions, the bill is a fraud that will restrict them how to choose their plans in the construction of houses or how to use their property.
According to the five, article 76 of the bill also threatens the freedom to own property suggesting that public employees must participate in the levy as a way to demonstrate the reality of their property ownership.
“It it becomes a law, article 76 threatens taxpayers in the official work departments with an administrative action that is not appropriate to conflict with the law while recommending everyone to get a house with a program they call housing financing. Reading the court papers.