About five men were beheaded and many houses burnt down in an al Shabaab attack in Salama and Juhudi villages in Mkunumbi area, Lamu County.
Witnesses and police said the raiders invaded the villages around 7:30 Saturday night, took the victims out of their homes and tied their hands and feet with ropes behind their backs before killing them.
The victims of the attack on Saturday night are all men, including a Form Three student from Bakania Secondary School identified as Barack Hussein, 19.
The student had come home for half term break before he met his death.
Lamu county security forces arrived at the scene shortly after but no one was arrested.
The County Commissioner, Louis Rono said he was aware of the attack in Salama village but did not have more details.
“Yes there was an attack in the village and we are heading there,” he said without giving further details.
Witnesses and police reported a group of more than 30 men, armed with guns, machetes and knives, attacked in the early evening.
Witnesses said the men were wearing military uniforms when they invaded the houses, then ordered those present to lie down and not call each other.
The women were led to separate rooms and later released, the attackers slaughtered the five and later stole some food, chicken and goats before setting fire to the shop.
The area has become one of the areas of security concern following the fear of attacks from terrorist groups.