Jeremiah Kioni is still believed to be the legitimate General Secretary of the Jubilee Party according to the Trends and Insights For Africa (TIFA) poll.
This is because the party has not yet officially determined who is its legitimate SG as Kioni who is supported by the opposition has had a dispute with Kanini Kega who is supported by the government regarding the leadership of the former ruling party.
The Jubilee leadership is still not settled amid a court case opposing the case, involving the Court of Disputes of Political Parties and the Registrar of Political Parties.
In the opinion poll released on Thursday, 32% of the respondents recognize Kioni as the SG of Jubilee while 21% consider Kega as the SG of the party.
Among those who believe in Kioni’s leadership, 28% support the government, 47% support the opposition and 17% support either party.
On the other hand, 31% who believe in Kega’s leadership support the government, 15% support the government and 13% are neutral.
TIFA further said that 37% of respondents want those who were elected on the Jubilee ticket but moved to the United Democratic Union (UDA) – 29 in the National Assembly and 5 in the Senate – should resign and seek re-election. UDA ticket.
39% also believe that MPs should just stay in Jubilee while 18% reserve their opinion.
The survey also revealed that 15% of those who support the opposition also support Jubilee as their second party and 13% of those who support the government support Jubilee as their second party.
This poll contains data obtained from a national survey from June 24 to 30, 2023 that included 1,530 respondents and the survey was conducted using CATI (Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview)