Otile Brown believes success can also be achieved through our enemies but we miss them because of pride and hatred.

Kenyan Artist Otile Brown has written a message to his followers on Instagram asking them to always pray and do good but not to think that God has forgotten them.

Through his page, Otile revealed something he said that many people are jealous and boastful, which results to them losing their blessings every time.

”Mungu alishatubariki zamani ila tunazipitaga njiani kila siku mana tunaedeshwa na wivu chuki na majigambo”…..Mwimbaji huyu aliendelea na ujumbe wake akisimulia zaidi alihomaanisha kwa wafuasi wake.

Ninacho maanisha ni kwamba wakati mwingine yule unayetaka sana kumshusha huenda yeye ndio njia pekee ya mafanikio yako ” he said,

Otile Brown by defending his message was able to explain the presence of God’s blessings in human life.

”Baraka zinakuja kwa njia tofauti,baraka zetu huenda zikapatikana ata kwa adui ila tunapokosa busara na unyenyekevu tutazidi kudhania mungu alitusahau ,wakati wote mafanikio yanaanza akilini”

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