A day after comedian KK Mwenyewe appeared with a poster asking to replace Dennis Schweizer Omosh in Akothee’s life, the artist has responded indirectly.
Akothee wrote many have started making fun of her thinking she just picks up anyone and makes them her husband.
She asked KK Mwenyewe before pleading for her love, first to make sure he has searched for and obtained a travel passport and second to straighten out his details if he wants to marry Akothee, or Akothee to adopt him.
The artist who is also an entrepreneur said that many people who have been associating Omosh as a Pakistani citizen who was picked up by her,making her appear desperate and even low-status people think she has no preference.
”This Pakistani thing has made Chokoras think Akothee is Mistry I met Omosh in Switzerland, so get a job first before hang those useless placards, I want to marry Akothee, Do you want to marry Akothee or do you want to be adopted by AKOTHEE, Ni njaa inakusumbua ” Akothee said in a long post before taking it down.

In his poster on Tuesday, KK Mwenwewe wrote he wants to be Akothee’s 8th husband stating he is tired of being silent and would not like to be silent anymore when he saw the opportunity that has arisen after Akothee’s marriage with Omosh seemed to have come to an end.
“Madam boss Akothee, I am willing and ready to be the 8th,” the poster read.

The prestigious marriage of Akothee and Omosh took place in April this year but it did not last because less than 4 months later the artist announced what she saw in Switzerland is something to be narrated another day.