Attending church services prolongs your life by 14 years. – study shows.

Thousands of scientific studies prove that people who attend worship regularly are more likely to live longer.

According to one author who is the late Raphael Nyarkotey Obu who is a Professor of Naturopathic Healthcare, Health Journalist, scholar and science writer, the first study was a nine-year follow-up of 21,204 American adults conducted by Hummer et al. (1996).

The study found that people who attended church every week lived 7 years longer than those who did not attend.

The added good news was that, in the African-American community, those who went to church more than once a week lived 14 years longer, twice the longevity of non-attenders.

The scholar argues that this is not the only study to prove it.

Another comprehensive study conducted by Stampfer et al.(2016), published in JAMA Internal Medicine, found that women who attended any type of religious services more than once a week had a 33% lower chance than their religious counterparts. died during the 16 years of study follow-up.

Another study by Bruce et al. (2017) published in PLOS One, found that regular attendance at services was associated with a reduction in the body’s stress response and even mortality—so much so that worshipers were 55% less likely to die. A follow-up period of 18 years than people who did not attend a temple, church or mosque.

A previous study by Strawbridge et al.(1997) published in the American Journal of Public Health also tracked the relationship between regular attendance and mortality over 28 years for Alameda County 5,286 and found that the lower mortality rates of who regularly attend religious are explained in part and improved. healthy habits, increased social contact, and stronger marriages that occur in conjunction with attendance.

Some studies have found that prayer can improve disease outcomes and prolong life, while others have been inconclusive.

One 2006 study published in the American Heart Journal even found that people who knew they were being prayed for before heart surgery were more likely to experience complications than people who didn’t know they were being prayed for.

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