Juma Jux admits to being deeply hurt when his Ex Vanessa Mdee was impregnated by Rotimi.

The famous Bongo R’n’B singer Juma Jux has admitted he was very sad when he found out that his ex-girlfriend Vanessa Mdee was expecting her first child with her current partner, Olurotimi Akinosho alias Rotimi in September 2021.

Jux was singing his song ‘Sina Neno’ which he released more than two years ago after Vanessa gave birth to her first child when he opened up about how it made him feel.

After singing several words of the song, the fans who came out to watch him perform asked if Vanessa having a child with another man hurt him and he shamelessly admitted that he was hurt a lot.

”Niliumia. Sio mchezo niliumia kweli. Watoto wa hii town wana balaa kweli. Wakati huo niliumia sio mchezo,” Jux said.

Vanessa Mdee, who dated Jux for about six years before breaking up with him in 2019, had her first child with Nigerian-American actor and singer Rotimi in September 2021 after the two had been dating for about a year.

Shortly after Vanessa Mdee announced she was pregnant more than two years ago, Jux released a song to congratulate her.

In the song ‘Sina Neno’, Jux assured Mdee he has no quarrel with her because he has burried the past. He said he is very happy to see Mdee is enjoying her current marriage with actor Rotimi and congratulated her as she was about to be called a mother.

”Naona wameremeta, ngozi imenawili una furaha now, Kitanda hakina siri, zao la tendo una kitumbo wow, Mnapendeza sana na penzi liko kasi kasi Mkipostiana, Instagram status” Jux said on the song.

The artist said he does not have any hatred towards Mdee and claimed he is praying for a happy life with her lover. He advised the two to tolerate each other and never fight so their child would never get into trouble.

”Najua una furaha kwa zawadi uliyopata.

Tena ulivyo shujaa,mtoto mama amepata.

Na nyie msije gombana, mtoto asije akapata kash kash

Uzuri kuvumiliana, matatizo mkadiscuss

Tulishafunika kurasa, mambo ya zamani yalishapita

Maisha mengine sasa, kuwa na amani hakuna vita

Sikuchukii nakuombea,

Maisha mema ya furaha, Mungu awaonyeshe njia

Siumii, nimezoea, ila nina furaha kuiona familia

Niko salama, Mimi sina neno” Jux sang.

Juma Jux and Vanessa broke up in 2019 after dating for a long time.

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