The mother of Bongo star Zuchu who is also a singer and composer of Taarab songs Khadhija Kopa has opened up and said her daughter Zuchu is not married, and whoever comes forward and pays her dowry will recognize him as her husband.
”Binti yangu hajaposwa hakuna yeyote amemlipia Mahari wengi kwenye mitandao wanasema Diamond ndio mpenzie ,mimi sijasikia kulingana na tamanduni zetu lazima jambo la mahari liwe kwa hivo yeyote atakayetaka kuwa na Zuchu amlipie mahari niko tayari kupokea kwa muda wowote ule”,Said khadija kopa.
To match with Khadija Kopa in their culture, the matter of marital relations must be done according to traditional procedures, couples considering the issue of informing parents on all sides.
In the interview, the songwriter after bloggers questioned whether Diamond, who is rumoured to be her daughter’s lover, should pay the dowry, she opened up and said whoever brings the dowry will get the opportunity to marry her daughter Zuchu.
”Diamond si mchumba wake hajaleta mahari wala hajamuoa kwa hivo mtu mwingine yeyote anaweza kuleta pesa zake za mahari ,kwa maana mimi sipendi mahusiano ya nje napenda mambo ya wazi nimetoa nafasi kwa yeyote alete mahari” she said.