Artist Harmonize has hinted his Konde Music Worldwide label has plans to sign a new artist but they will not be able to do so at the moment because they are trying to avoid the notion they want to bring competition with Diamond label who two weeks ago introduced their artist – Dvoice.
Speaking to a blog in Tanzania, Harmonize revealed there is a new artist and all that is left is to introduce him and start releasing his music.
He said he has learned a lot from previous unsuccessful records from artists Killy, Cheed and Anjella but he said this will not stop him from continuing to hold the hand of upcoming Artirsts.
”Siku hadi siku ninakua na najifunza vitu, naamini kabisa hata msanii mpya akitambulishwa hakutakuwa kama mwanzo, kutakuwa vitu vimebadilika, kwa hiyo kutakuwa na wasanii ila kwa sasa sitaki ionekane kama inatumika kisiasa au kimashindano.”
”Kwa hiyo ukifika muda rasmi wa kutangazwa msanii wa Konde Music, atatangazwa na naamini atafanya vizuri kwa sababu siku hadi siku unajua tunajifunza vitu kwa sababu haikuwa rahisi hata kufika hapa,” he added
It will be remembered on November 16, Diamond introduced the artist Dvoice to the label as a new signee since WCB Wasafi label was launched in 2016 in February.