Boniface Mwangi criticizes the war against LGBTQ.

The Kenyan political and human rights activist Boniface Mwangi has criticized the war against homosexuality in Kenya saying the behavior is not a big problem facing the country.

In a long statement on his social media accounts, the father of three noted the problems facing the country are not as a results of people and their sexuality.

”Good morning Habibi. I’m a big supporter of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission. I’m a man of integrity and ethics. My values, and morals are mine. I don’t have a public agreement about them. I live my life with zero apologies. I will defend any adult who wants to live their life their own way. Your fake Christian, and Muslim leaders will tell you that LGBQTI is our biggest problem, it’s not. Kenya isn’t broke because men are dating men, and women are fucking each other. Kenya is poor because your religious leaders are stealing our taxes.” Boniface Mwangi said on Sunday morning.

Mwangi expressed these feelings when he was responding to Nyali Member of Parliament Mohammed Ali who has had a fierce battle with him online several hours ago since the politician criticized him for fighting for the rights of homosexuals

Mwangi, who is currently on vacation in Dubai with his wife, continued to encourage people to enjoy their lives the way they want regardless of the moral standards set in the country, mentioning there is no guarantee of heaven.

“Heaven is right here people. No one died, went to heaven and came back with proof that the streets of gold,where people eat milk and honey are true. Even those 72 virgins are just stories. Or maybe those 72 virgins are male virgins and you’re the bride? Stop postponing your happiness to a future date. Live right now. Love right now. Marry, and love who you want.” he said.

The activist asked Kenyans not to care about other people’s bedroom issues, stating the main problem facing the country is not what people do in their bedrooms, but problems start with unethical leaders who are given the responsibility to lead.

“Your morals are your personal business. Kenya is broke because of unethical leader, and not broken morals. If our leaders could enjoy their immoral lives openly, maybe just maybe they wouldn’t steal as much as they do. Those countries that Ruto goes to beg for loans have zero laws on morality but they jail those who are corrupt and steal. Get your nose off people’s bedrooms. You have no idea what other sex styles your parents do. So relax, and mind your sex life. Wachana na maisha ya watu.” he said.

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