Kenya Power Announces Scheduled Power Blackout in Various Counties today

Kenya Power has issued a notice informing Kenyans about the upcoming power blackout scheduled for Wednesday, February 28, 2024. The utility firm cites the need for maintenance and upgrades to power lines as the reason for the interruption.

The affected areas on Wednesday will include Nairobi, Makueni, Kajiado, Migori, Kiambu, and Kilifi Counties.

Specific blackout details for Nairobi County involve an eight-hour outage, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Affected areas include Dandora Phase 2, 3, 4 & 5, Councilor Opondo Rd, Gitari, Marigu, and adjacent customers.

Makueni County will experience power interruptions from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. The affected areas include Kiboko Mkt, Masimba Mkt, Utini, Matuu, Makutano, Yikivumbu, Vololo, Ngaaka, and adjacent customers.

In Kajiado County, there will be no electricity supply from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, with Ilpolosat SGR & adjacent customers affected.

Migori County will face a blackout from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, impacting Kehancha and Ntimaru in particular. The specific areas include Migori Airstrip, KEFRI, Nyanchabo, Masaba, Nyamamagagana, Kurutyange, Ikerege, Tarawiti, Koego, Nyametaburo, Nyamaranya, Karosi, Kehancha Town, St. Kizito, Maeta, Kegonga, Igena, Nyabikongori, Kebarisia, Mosweto, Nyamutiro, Kebaroti, Makararangwe, Ntimaru, and adjacent customers.

Kiambu County will experience power interruptions from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, affecting areas such as Kahawa Sukari, Wendani, KU University, Clean Shelf Wendani, Magunas Wendani, Royal Homes, Playway Academy, Quickmart, Wendani Hosp, Zetech, Rainbow Hotel Ruiru, Waki, Agape, Mijicare, Kihunguro, KU, KU Mortuary, Unicity Mall, National Oil, Naivas, and adjacent customers.

Kilifi County will be in blackout from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, affecting areas such as Kakanjuni, Ganze, Vitengeni, Langombaya, Sokoke, Matano Manne, Palakumi, Petanguo, Mwapula, Dzikunze, Mnarani, Mavueni, New Life, Vipingo, Shauri Moyo, Kadzinuni, Chasimba, Jaribuni, Mwarakaya, Pwani Oil, Tiger Packaging, Flamboyant, Vipingo Industries, and adjacent customers.

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